The Metaphysics Guild

An association for psychics, holistic healers, energy workers, and metaphysical practitioners

Welcome! Are you a psychic, healer, spiritual coach, or teacher?

We welcome all practitioners of metaphysical arts who act in good faith and are in agreement with our code of ethics. Members can access training resources to grow their business, pre-made forms and brochures, support, and discounts, as well as being listed in our directory and having badges that can be placed on your website.

Membership is $97 per year forever for our founding members - prices will go up at the end of 2024, so join now!

Metaphysics Guild Code of Ethics

  • Practitioners respect the bodily autonomy of clients and of people around them
  • Practitioners respect the privacy of clients
  • Practitioners work to continue to improve their skills and knowledge
  • Practitioners do not discriminate based on race, gender, sex, orientation, place of origin, or other protected status, and uphold the dignity of all
  • Practitioners provide accurate information about their training and expertise to clients
  • Practitioners provide accurate and complete information to students
  • Practitioners respect students as individuals and provide them with a quality learning experience
  • Practitioners encourage students to follow their heart and mind, and to learn from others if that is how they are led
  • Practitioners follow local laws and guidelines about scope of practice and health and safety requirements
  • Practitioners maintain an appropriate list of other professionals to refer clients to (medical doctors, mental health professionals, etc.) and use it as appropriate
  • Practitioners act with integrity and honesty in all aspects of their business and in their work